AdLab Agency
"With AdLab the only path is UP"
About our Name
Our name is a combination of two words: Advertisement and Laboratory.
We take advertisement in depth and pay attention to every detail by brainstorming, combining ideas, and "mixing" them, as if we were in a Laboratory.
We take over other companies that want to promote and advertise certain products.
We elaborate on the products and highlight its most important features. Then, we organize exciting and educational events, relative to each brand's product.
This way the product becomes the "star" of the event and captivates the attention of the attenders.
As our motto states, "With AdLab the only path is UP".
We want to make sure that any company that comes in contact with us and asks us to promote theis product sees a boost in theis sales. We prioritize the experience of our clients, and at the same time we only promote worthy products, so that the consumers can be satisfied, and we can continue to stick to our believes.


We advocate 4 crucial values which strengthen our relationship with our

clients and makes us stand out!

What makes us stand out?

SAFETY: We make sure that all safety measures are aplied and we

proceed accordingly

RESPECT: We respect and take our clients desires into consideration

SUSTAINABILITY: Our team does not only provide services but a

sustainable future as well, so we say NO to companies that have a

negative impact on the environment.

TRUST: Our most important value is trust. We built personalised

relationships based on credibility with our clients in order to get the best


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